Welcome to Woodland Church
Woodland has served the people of Botetourt County, and beyond, for more than 125 years. We welcome people of any church background or none. We adhere to historic Biblical Christianity. Our motto says a lot.
“We Present Christ.”
We do that locally in our services and through our lives. We do it globally through our involvement in world missions.
We invite you to get to know us. We welcome the opportunity to sit down and talk.
Woodland Church is located at the corner of Blacksburg and Country Club Roads about 5 miles south of Fincastle Virginia. You can find us on Google Maps.
Our Schedule:
Sunday School 10:00 AM
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:30 PM
When there are 5 Sundays in a month, we have dinner on the 5th Sunday.
Join us.
Click here to listen to Woodland Sermons
In 2025 we will resume our series in the Gospel of Luke. We invite you to join us on this journey.
Woodland Church Facebook Group
You can contact Pastor Howard Merrell at woodlandchurchbc@gmail.com or (540) 620-8429
Woodland Church, 45 Woodland Road, Troutville VA 24175
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